Thursday, April 19, 2012

Skyler, from the Beginning

Last post I mentioned training ideas for my gelding Skyler. It occurred to me I never explained how he came to be here with us or why he's significant. Here goes:

Upon moving to MN Al and I frequented horse sales and auctions. A few years back we found an Appaloosa herd dispersal sale and hurried on down to see what they had. There were 5 stallions, a pen of weanlings and yearlings, some broodmares. Most looked really nice with a lot of color. Some were that stocky western build while a few were more refined, modern breeding like a Thoroughbred.

Al and I liked the red near leopard colt and filly weanling. We set a maximum bid and sat back to watch the sale. The filly came in first. She was adorable! I started bidding... $125 do I hear a 150? -Yep.  $150 do I hear a 75? HO! (someone else bid) Two, do I hear a two? - YEP! (me)   "A two twenty five?-"  The auctioneer mistakenly thinks I bid again!  I said NOPE.  -  YEP! (guy)  Me- "NO, NO!  ($200 was our max.)   Al yells to me "Sit still! Don't say ANYTHING"

After getting out of that deal, the colt comes in. He was red roan on the neck with leopard spots over his body. Bidding started, I got him for $200. At the booth I felt excited I had bought my second horse ever! He had nice conformation and was easy to lead into the trailer. We debated what to name him and came up with "Blues Skyhawk" Skyler for short.

Years went by and Skyler grew. I did groundwork as a 3 year old and broke him the spring he turned 4. I wanted to make sure his knees were closed in and he was a faster learner than at 3. He broke out with not even a buck or hop. He became a steady mount and I soon took him on the trails.

Skyler competed in his first horse show a local WSCA event in English equitation and pleasure. He pinned and I was thrilled for a first timer. We also did fun shows at our saddle club where he ran barrels, did pole weaving and the surprise class. Through it all he was steady and willing if not a bit poky.  -Don't get me wrong I'd take poky over a hot-head any day!

Currently Skyler is a 6 year old getting ready for another show season. Nothing too exciting, just local shows, but it's a fun day out. He also has a new important role: Kid's horse. My 4 year old son, R and 2 year old daughter C are learning to ride. This is where his pokyness and steady attitude really shine! With some more practice, R will be ready for his first leadline class aboard a horse we raised and trained. That would be pretty rewarding to see.

Skyler at his first show

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